TigerTurf™ (click here) to learn More!

A lush green artificial lawn is a pet and kid friendly solution that eliminates brown patches, bare spots or the yellowing you see in regular grass. Be the envy of your neighborhood with a no maintenance lawn and enjoy a great looking yard all year round.
Benefits of Using Synthetic Grass vs. Natural Grass
- 100% Lead Free – Safe for kids and pets
- No standing water to attract insects/mosquitos
- Looks great year round! Spring-Summer-Fall & Winter
- Drains more efficient than real grass lawns
- No mud, dirt or grass clippings to contend with
- Zero water usage (Preserve our Water Resources)
- No use of chemical pesticides
- Prevents chemical residue run off into our storm dains which ends up in our ocean
- No brown patches or bare spots
- Withstands extreme desert heat, monsoons, highwinds and freezing temperatures
- 8 year warranty
- No more fixing broken sprinkler heads or getting fined for water run off
- Never mow or edge your yard again!
- Gain storage space in your garage or shed by eliminating your lawn mower and edger
- Minimize your carbon footprint by eliminating CO2 carbons from using gas powered equipment
These are just 15 good reasons to convert your real grass to artificial grass. We have three simple turf packages to get you started on your perfect synthetic lawn system.
All 3 Turf packages include the following high quality material and labor for a complete installation on your perfect synthetic lawn system:
- Design Layout
- Excavate 4″ to 5″ inches of existing soil (for solid foundation and drainage)
- Backfill with class II Road Base and compact with plate compactor
- Apply DG to fill in any voids and compact with plate compactor
- Custom fit artificial grass to project area
- Anchor turf using 6″ inch galvanized spikes
- Lock-in turf edging
- Apply in-fill to turf and brush blades to upright position for a well manicured lawn
The only drawback to artificial turf is how are you going to spend the extra time now that you never have to water, weed or mow your lawn again!